Republic Act No. 12023 – VAT on Digital Services Philippines

H. No. 4122 S. No. 2528 Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines Metro Manila Nineteenth Congress Third Regular Session Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-second day of July, two thousand twenty-four. [Republic Act No. 12023] AN ACT AMENDING SECTIONS 105, 108, 109, 110, 113, 114, 115, 128, 236, AND 288 AND               ADDING NEW SECTIONS 108-A AND 108-B OF THE NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1997, AS AMENDED Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled; SEC 1. Section 105 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 105. Persons Liable. – Any person who, in the course of trade or business, sells, barters, exchanges, leases goods or properties, renders services, including digital services, and any person who imports goods shall be subject to the value-added

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7 Features of Staff Leasing in the Philippines

By: Garry Pagaspas, CPA Taking into account the advantages of Filipino talents (e.g. English speaking, attitude towards work, manpower cost, and work efficiency, among others) Philippines has become a top pick for back-office support operations of foreign accounting and consulting firms abroad and that of business process outsourcing (BPO) operations in Philippines dealing directly with foreign clients, if not with the parent entity for the delivery of quality services. Approaches for Philippine set-up could vary depending on many factors such as a more long-term set-up or a short-term exploratory set-up. For a long-term set-up, setting up a local entity in the Philippines could be good, while for short-term exploratory set-up, some would resort to special arrangements with staffing or manpower agencies, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) in Philippines, accounting firms or local consulting firms for staff leasing in Philippines, or sometime referred to under professional employer organization (PEO) or employer of

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Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 109-2024

Clarification on the Types of Checks Accepted for Payment for One-Time Transaction-Related Internal Revenue Taxes This Circular is hereby issued to clarify the types of checks accepted in payment for One-Time Transaction (ONETT) – related internal revenue taxes, pursuant to Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 49-2018, as amended. Section II of Revenue Memorandum Circular No. (RMC) No. 4- 2021 provides guidelines for payments of taxes through Authorized Revenue Collection Officers (RCOs), citing RMO No. 8-2009 as follows: “4. The Issuance of RORs shall be limited to tax payments, in cash not exceeding the amount of twenty thousand pesos (Php 20,000.00) per return. However, there shall be no limit on the amount if payment is made thru checks.The following checks should be accepted in payment for internal revenue taxes:1. Manager’s or Cashier’s Checks;2. Checks drawn against a joint or multiple account for the purpose of tax payment of the personal tax

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2024 BAR EXAMINATIONSREMEDIAL LAW, LEGAL AND JUDICIAL ETHICSSeptember 15, 20242:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 1. Toni filed an action for breach of contract against Ivana. At the trial, Toni answered these questions from her counsel: Q:  What happened next, if any? A:  Ivana and I negotiated the terms of the transaction. Q:  After your negotiation with Ivana, did you reduce your agreement into writing? A:  Yes, we drafted and signed an instrument. Q:  Do you know the contents of this instrument? A:  Yes. Q:  Will you tell the court the contents of this instrument? If you are Ivana’s counsel, will you object to the last question? Explain. 2. In a criminal case for homicide, the prosecution offered Austin as witness to prove that Titus admitted to him the killing of the victim. At the trial, Austin answered these questions from the public prosecutor: Q:  Did you witness the killing of

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2024 BAR EXAMINATIONSLABOR LAW AND SOCIAL LEGISLATIONSSEPTEMBER 11, 20242:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 1. Zhi Go (Zhi) is a non-resident Chinese national who plans to live and establish a career in the Philippines. Zhi went to the Philippines and applied with the Tarlac Agricultural Products (TAP) as an ordinary farm worker. The TAP hired Zhi because of her diverse set of farming skills. The TAP  assigned Zhi in its Bambam Farm. Did TAP lawfully hire Zhi Go as a farm worker? Explain. 2. Manila Yummy Restaurant (MYR) pays its receptionists PHP 500.00 a day. The receptionists contested the amount because the present minimum wage in the National Capital Region is PHP 645.00 for the non-agricultural sector. MYR countered that it is paying the receptionists a total of PHP 700.00 which is more than the required minimum wage. MYR explained that it provides the receptionists food and beverage worth PHP 200.00

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2024 BAR EXAMINATIONSCIVIL LAWSEPTEMBER 8, 20248:00 AM – 12 NOON 1. Carlos and Chloe scheduled their intimate wedding on September 4, 204 at 7:00 p.m. in Manila. Chloe purchased from Angelica a gold wedding ring with engraving “Love, Carlos” for PHP 1,000,000. Angelica promised to deliver the ring on or before the wedding day. On September 1, 2024, a weather bulletin warned that super typhoon Enteng will enter the country within three days. On September 4, 2024 at 6:00 a.m., typhoon Enteng and the enhanced southwest monsoon caused massive flooding that rendered major roads in Manila impassable to all kinds of vehicles. Angelica failed to deliver the ring in time for Carlos and Chloe’s wedding which pushed through despite the typhoon. Angelica delivered the ring the following day after the flood subsided. Chloe filed against Angelica a complaint for damages. Angelica denied liability and argued that typhoon is a fortuitous

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Revenue Regulations No. 17 – 2024

Prescribing the Presentation of Tax Clearance Prior to Final Settlement of Government Contracts BackgroundSection 1 of Executive Order (E.O.) No. 398, s. of 2005 dated July 12, 2005, directs that: “SECTION 1. All persons, natural or juridical, local or foreign, desiring to enter into or participate in any contract with the government, its departments, bureaus, offices and agencies, including state universities and colleges, government-owned and/or controlled corporations, government financial institutions and local government units, shall as a pre-condition, submit, along with their proposal and/or bid, a copy of their latest income and business tax returns duly stamped and received by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, and duly validated with the tax payment made thereon. They shall also submit a tax clearance from the Bureau of Internal Revenue to prove full and timely payment of taxes.” Pursuant thereto, Section 23 of Rule VIII-Receipt and Opening of Bid of the 2016 Revised

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Revenue Regulations No. 16-2024

Prescribing the Updated Floor Price for Cigarette, Heated Tobacco, and Vapor Products Pursuant to Sections 114(B) and (C) and 145 (C) of the NIRC of 1997, As Ammended Section 1. Scope – Sections 144 (B) and (C), and 145 (C) of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, as amended by the Republic Act (RA) Nos. 11346 and 11467, in the Products Regulation Act,” mandate the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) to prescribe the floor price of Cigarettes, Heated Tobacco Products, and Vapor Products. Pursuant to the provisions of the Sections 244 and 245 of the NIRC of 1997, as amended, these Regulations are hereby promulgated in order to update the floor price of Cigarette, Heated Tobacco, and Vapor Products prescribed in Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 49-2023, which revised the floor prices set forth in Section 6 of revenue Regulations (RR) No. 14-2022 and RMC No. 79-2022. Section

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2024 BAR EXAMINATIONSCOMMERCIAL AND TAXATIONS LAWSEPTEMBER 8, 20242:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. 1. Nympha, a famous author, collaborated with Tobias, a novice illustrator, to create a children’s book. Tobias offered his services for free. Nympha gave Tobias the manuscript and discussed with him the inspiration for the characters. Nympha envisioned a story about two best friends who had a huge fight but later realized the value of forgiveness. Tobias drew the characters based on Nympha’s specifications and instructions. Nympha then published the book and claimed sole copyright ownership. Nympha argued that she is the author not only of the text but also the images in the book since Tobias exactly adopted her idea. Is Nympha the copyright owner of the images or drawings in the book? Explain. 2. In 1984, the Nova Family established the North Nova, Inc. (NNI), a pharmaceutical company. On August 31, 1984, NNI was issued its

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2024 BAR EXAMINATIONSPOLITICAL AND PUBLIC INTERNATION LAWSEPTEMBER 8, 20248:00 A.M – 12 NOON 1. The Senate conducted investigations on how to strengthen the efforts of the government against fugitives from justice after the prominent personalities covertly left the country to escape prosecution. The Senate invited Winston as a resource person. Winston is a notorious drug dealer who managed to avoid his warrants of arrest and hold departure orders. At the hearing, the Senators asked Winston about the modus operandi and the names of immigration officers who helped him escape. Yet, Winston responded: “I will leave it to the Senate to find out the information about these immigration officers.” Dissatisfied, the Senators immediately cited Winston in contempt and ordered his detention until he answers the question. Did the Senate lawfully cite Winston in contempt? Explain. 2. Rocco, a lawyer, filed a petition for mandamus to compel the President of the Philippines

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