SAMPLE ONLY FOR A ONE PERSON CORPORATIONWITH A SINGLE STOCKHOLDER WHO IS A NATURAL PERSON Articles of Incorporation of ___________________________________, OPC (Name of One Person Corporation) The undersigned, of legal age, voluntarily forms a One Person Corporation (OPC) under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines and certifies the following: First: That the name of said corporation shall be ________________________________, OPC; Second: That the purpose or purposes for which such corporation is incorporated are: (If there are more than one purpose, indicate primary and secondary purposes); Third: That the principal office of the OPC is located in ___________________________________________________________________; Fourth: That the OPC shall have perpetual existence; (If the OPC has a specific term of existence): That the OPC shall have a term of existence of _________ years from the date of issuance of the certificate of incorporation; State the specific term of existence in words followed by the figure
SAMPLE FORM OF NOTICE TO CHANGE NOMINEE/ ALTERNATE NOMINEE OF THE ONE PERSON CORPORATION Date: ___________ Company Registration and Monitoring Department Securities and Exchange Commission Secretariat Building, PICC Complex Roxas Blvd., Pasay City Gentlemen: In compliance with the requirement of Section 126 of the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines, the undersigned hereby notifies the Securities and Exchange Commission of a change in the nominee and alternate nominee of ____________________________________________, OPC, as indicated in the Articles of Incorporation, under SEC Reg. No. _________________. I, therefore, submit the names of the new nominees and their written consent as follows: Name Nationality Residence Nominee: ________________ ________________ ________________ Alternate Nominee: ________________ ________________ ________________ I consent to my appointment as Nominee: I consent to my appointment as Alternate Nominee: _______________________ (Signature of the nominee) TIN: ________________ _______________________ (Signature of the alternate) TIN: ________________ Certified Correct: ___________________________________ (Signature and name of
SAMPLE OF ACCEPTANCE LETTER OF THE NOMINEE AND ALTERNATE NOMINEE OF THE ONE PERSON CORPORATION Date: ____________ To: (Name of single stockholder) (Name of the One Person Corporation) (Address of the One Person Corporation) Dear Mr./Ms. ____________: I am writing to confirm my acceptance of the offer to be your designated nominee (or alternate nominee), in compliance with the requirement of the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines for the purpose of registration of your One Person Corporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission. I have understood the extent and limitations of my authority as nominee (or alternate nominee) in the event that I am called to manage the affairs of the One Person Corporation, as we discussed. Thank you. Very truly yours, ____________________________________________ (Signature and name of nominee or alternate nominee) TIN: __________________________ Note: The nominee and alternate nominee can sign their names in the same letter as acceptance
SAMPLE ONLY FOR A ONE PERSON CORPORATIONUNDER THE NAME OF AN ESTATE OR TRUSTEE Articles of Incorporation of ___________________________________, OPC (Name of One Person Corporation) The undersigned, of legal age, voluntarily forms a One Person Corporation (OPC) under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines and certifies the following: First: That the name of said corporation shall be ________________________________, OPC; Second: That the purpose or purposes for which such corporation is incorporated are: (If there are more than one purpose, indicate primary and secondary purposes); Third: That the principal office of the OPC is located in ___________________________________________________________________; Fourth: That the OPC shall have perpetual existence; (If the OPC has a specific term of existence): That the OPC shall have a term of existence of _________ years from the date of issuance of the certificate of incorporation; State the specific term of existence in words followed by the figure enclosed
Onsite Training: How to analyze Financial Statements Accounting for Correct Business Decision Making?
Live Webinar: Basic Business Accounting & BIR Compliance VAT Entity
Live Webinar on 2024 Financial Statements Preparation Reminders
Live Webinar: Winning BIR Tax Assessments Series: Process, Remedies & Writing Effective Protest
Live Webinar: Value Added Tax: In and Out
Live Webinar on Ph Payroll Computations and Taxation
Live Webinar: Input VAT Refund
Onsite Training: Basic Bookkeeping for Non-Accountants
Live Webinar: Returns and Reports Preparation under eBIR Forms and Online Submissions
Live Webinar: Withholding Taxes, Subjects & Applications
Revenue Regulations No. 012-2025
Revenue Regulations No. 011-2025
Revenue Regulations No. 010-2025
Revenue Regulations No. 008-2025
Revenue Regulations No. 007-2025
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