Our Speaker and Coordinator into Badminton Tour

Our Resource SpeakerGarry S. Pagaspas, CPA, and our VP-Finance & CoordinatorJobelle O. Mendoza, CPA has long been into badminton sports. Garry had his first badminton court experience in the later part of 2006, while Jobelle had her first badminton encounter in 2007. Since then, they became badminton buddies crashing some tournaments and queuing in some courts within Metro Manila. They are most frequent players of Planet Badminton – J. Victor St., Makati City, and Powersmash Badminton – Pasong Tamo, Makati, and a seasonal players in other courts within Metro Manila.

Despite their busy schedules in the office, they find time to escape with their badminton rackets, shoes, and outfits at least once a week after office hours to play badminton and burn some fats, drive some work stress, and maintain physical fitness to do the office works.  For them, badminton is not just a simple physical sport, but a brain sport. They love finding ways to improve their tandem in court, observing how the great one play so they could improve their personal skills, analyzing the ups and downs of their opponents and finding ways to defeat them, and along the process expanding their circle of badminton buddies. While they  are not that good in the badminton court, they are positive that in due time they will achieve their goals to possess notable skill in the sport.

Comes May 26, 2012 is the 2nd Federball Spiel Badminton Tournament sponsored by the Badminton Club of DKS to be held at Powersmash Badminton – Pasong Tamo, Makati City, where they enlisted themselves for the Mixed Doubles – Level A, Womens Doubles – Level A (Jobelle with Anna of DKS), and Men’s Doubles – Level A (Garry & Sir Patrick of DKS). In this badminton tournament, they will share and enjoy the fun games with the other pair aspirants for the trophy – Champion and/or Runner-up!

We wish them the best of the games and we pray that they be blessed to bring the trophies!

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