By: Hergie Ann De Guzman
The issuance of Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 19-2020 last month created clamor among taxpayers on how they will comply with the BIR Form 1709 or the Related Party Transaction (RPT) Form. To answer the questions of the taxpayers, BIR issued this RMC. Listed below are the highlight discussions in the RMC:
Who will need to submit BIR Form 1709?
All PH taxpayers, either individual or non-individual (including non-stock non-profit organizations for the activities conducted for profit) with related party transactions (RPTs) shall complete and submit BIR Form 1709.
Effectivity of the reporting requirement
Basically, BIR Form 1709 is a new attachment in the Annual Income Tax Returns of those with RPTs. The first set of taxpayers to comply with the new reporting are those taxpayers with fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. With this, the deadline for the submission of the RPT Form, together with ITR attachments, supposedly is on July 30, 2020. However, BIR granted the said taxpayers until September 30, 2020 to file and submit the RPT Form and the required attachments.
What if the said taxpayers have already filed the Annual ITR for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 prior to the effectivity of the RR?
The taxpayers are still required to submit the RPT Form and its attachments. Photocopy of the filed Annual ITR should be attached when the RPT Form is submitted to BIR.
Annual ITRs prior to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020 is not covered by the RR.
Manner of Filing of the RPT Form
Manual filing, unless a revenue issuance is released allowing electronic filing.
When and where to file?
Are all taxpayers required to attach Transfer Pricing Documentation (TPD)?
Yes, regardless of amount and volume of transactions.
What is the required TPD?
The TPD to be submitted is the one prepared on or before the RPT or after the RP but before the filing of the annual ITR for the reporting year.
The TPDs need not be updated unless there are significant changes in the Company’s business model and nature of the RPTs. In occasions when the parent Company already has TPD for RPTs with its subsidiary/ies, the subsidiary/ies can use this TPD as long as such was used in determining the transfer prices of the subsidiary/ies.
Proceeding year’s TPDs can still be used for subsequent RPTs provided that both have the same type of transactions and was undertaken by the same related parties. The taxpayer shall prove that the same conditions, for which the last year’s TPD was made, is also applicable to subsequent RPTs.
Can taxpayers rely on the disclosures made in the Audited Financials Statement (AFS) for the RPTs, as required Philippine Accounting Standards (PAS) 24?
No, RR 19-2020 requires more RPT details to be disclosed in the BIR Form 1709.
The enumeration of RPTs in RR No. 19-2020 is not exclusive
All transactions with related parties that result in the transfer of resources, services or obligations, irrespective of arrangement and regardless of whether a price is charged.
Clarifications on Certain Attachments in the RPT Form
Penalties for Non-Filing of RPT Form
First Offense: Penalty of not less that PhP1,000.00 but nor more that PhP25,000.00. (Section 250 of the Tax Code, as amended).
Second Offense: Penalty of PhP25,000.00 (Section 274 of the Tax Code, as amended).
With Valid Summons: Failure to still provide will have a responsible employee/party fined by not less than PhP5,000.00 but not more than PhP10,000.00 and 1-2 year imprisonment (Section 266 of the Tax Code, as amended).
Read RR 19-2020 here.
Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 015-2025
Revenue Regulations No. 002-2025
Revenue Regulations No. 001-2025
Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 001 – 2025
Revenue Regulations No. 18- 2024
Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 116-2024
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