Withholding Tax of Government on Job Order Personnel under EO No. 782

By: Garry S. Pagaspas

job order personnel philippinesUnder Executive Order No. 782 series of 2009 (EO No. 782) entitled “Instituting Measures to Assist Workers Affected by Global Financial Crisis and Temporary Filling Up of Vacant Positions in the Government”, all departments and agencies of the government are authorized to set-aside 1.5% of their Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) for temporary hiring of qualified Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) registered displaced workers and their dependents on a job order basis. As I browse the internet, tax compliance of job order basis personnel had been a common topic for discussion both by the personnel involved and the government agency employee in charge for withholding. Accordingly, this article is an attempt to reach them out and guide them on their tax compliance, though; this is neither equivalent to an expert opinion, nor, a formal ruling on the matter. The author strongly suggest that the job order personnel, agency employees and others concerned secure formal confirmation with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)

How are job order personnel classified, employee or contractor?

Under BIR Ruling No. 8-2010, it was ruled that the performance of services by job-order personnel, who, is a non-professional, hired pursuant to EO No. 782 is not under “employer-employee relationship in reference to DOLE-DBM Joint Circular No. 1-092 and CSC Memorandum Circular No. 38 series of 1993. Services of job-order personnel are construed as a sale of service under Section 108 of the 1997 Tax Code, as amended, imposing value added tax (VAT) on sale of services. Tax compliance of job order personnel would then follow this classification – construed as seller of service and not as employee.

Withholding tax on income payments of job order personnel Philippines?

Under Revenue Regulations No. 2-98, as amended, government agencies are required to withhold income taxes on income payments made to its local resident supplier of services as follows:

  • 2 % for local resident suppliers of services under Section 2.57.2 (N); or,
  • 10% for local resident professionals with gross income not exceeding P720k, or 15% if exceeding P720k under Section 2.57.2(A).

The above rates apply to job order personnel depending on their classification to non-professional or professional, and the level of current year gross income. To determine the level of income, Revenue Regulations 2-98, as amended, further requires filing an affidavit of declaration with the BIR to substantiate the application of the 10% or 15% on professional fees. The employer agency could do the same in behalf of the professional, if the service of the professional is exclusive to such government agency.

The government agency will remit to the BIR such amount withheld from the job order personnel within the time prescribed by the regulations for remittance (e.g. not later than the 10th day following the end of applicable month using BIR Form No. 1601E). Likewise, the government agency will issue the job order personnel a proof of withholding tax, BIR Form No. 2307 (Certificate of Withholding Taxes Withheld) with filled-out on the upper portion of the form. Issuance could be made on a quarterly basis, or on every check payment to the job order personnel.

Withholding of 3% percentage tax or 5% value added tax of job order personnel Philippines?

Being a seller of service to the government agency, a job order personnel is liable for business tax as follows:

  • 3% other percentage tax  (OPT) under Section 116 in relation to Section 109(1)(V), both of the Tax Code, as amended, if the annual gross receipts of the job order personnel would not exceed P1,919,500; otherwise;
  • 12% value added tax (VAT) under Section 108, of the Tax Code as amended.

For a government agency payor, it is required to withhold the business tax as follows:

  • 3% other percentage tax in the Philippines under Section 5.116(A)(1) of Revenue Regulations No. 2-98, as amended; or,
  • 5% final withholding VAT in the Philippines under Section 4.114-2 of Revenue Regulations No. 16-2005, as amended.

Notably, the withholding of business tax is in addition to the withholding of income tax above for 2% or 10%/15%. As proof of withholding of business tax and remittance, the government agency will issue the job order employee BIR forms as follows:

  • BIR Form No. 2307 with filled out portion at the bottom for 3% OPT withholding; or
  • BIR Form No. 2306 for 5% final withholding VAT.

Substituted filing is allowed for 3% withholding tax of OPT, while 5% seems to be the final VAT liability for job order employees.


In sum, the rules on how the government agency will withhold the corresponding withholding tax has been provided as could be shown above through a combination of existing rules. What seems to be lacking is the rules on how the job order personnel would do its tax compliance specially on the following aspects:

  • Whether or not they are required to register as a sole proprietor.
  • Whether or not they will still file percentage tax or VAT returns on a monthly and/or quarterly basis.
  • Whether or not they are required to issue official receipts to the the government.
  • Whether or not they will file quarterly income tax returns.
  • Whether or not they will submit other reports by virtue of VAT liability.
  • Whether or not they will attach an audited financial statements to their annual income tax return.

While there could be some rules that could be applicable to them from existing regulations, there seems to be no formal issuance specifically applicable to the job order personnel with respect to its tax compliance in the Philippines. The author hopes that the tax authority will soon issue some more guidelines and clarifications on the above for guidance and easy reference.

garry s pagaspasGarry is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a law degree holder in tax practice for about ten (10) years now helping out taxpayers on tax compliance, tax savings, tax assessments, tax refunds, financial statements audit, and other related professional accounting services. He is presently a frequent speaker of Tax and Accounting Center, Inc. and you may send him mail at garry.pagaspas(@)taxacctgcenter.org.

Disclaimer: This article is for general conceptual guidance only and is not a substitute for an expert opinion. Please consult your preferred tax and/or legal consultant for the specific details applicable to your circumstances. For comments, you may also please send mail at info(@)taxacctgcenter.orgor you may post a question at Tax and Accounting Center Forum and participate therein.

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