By: Hergie Ann De Guzman, CPA With the release of the Revenue Regulations No. 19-2020, prescribing the use of the BIR Form 1709 or the Information Return on Transactions with Related Party, taxpayers are now faced with an additional report to their list of annual compliance requirements. To guide you with the filing of the said return, we have summarized below the details needed which may help you with filling-out the return. How to File? The following details are needed in filing the BIR Form 1709: Accounting Year-end (Calendar or Fiscal) Year ended – the reporting year (e.g. 2020) Number of Sheets Attached – number of pages of the attachments Part I – Background Information Tax Identification Number (TIN) RDO Code Taxpayer’s Name Registered Address Contact Number Email Address Part II – Summary of Related Party Transactions A. Foreign Related Party Transactions Particulars Remarks Required Attachments Nature of Transaction/Related Account
By: Hergie Ann De Guzman, CPA Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issued on September 15, 2020 Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 98-2020 to extend the deadline for compliance of the filing of BIR Form 1709 or the Related Party Transaction (RPT) Form, together with its attachments. The compliance is hereby extended as follows: Fiscal Year End Extended Deadline For Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2020 and April 30, 2020 December 29, 2020 For Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 2020 and June 30, 2020 January 31, 2021 For Fiscal Year Ending July 31, 2020 and August 31, 2020 March 1, 2021 For Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2020 and October 31 March 31, 2021 For Fiscal Year Ending November 30, 2020 and Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2020 April 30, 2021 To know more about BIR Form 1709 compliance, you may check our previous articles as follows: Revenue Regulations No. 19-2020:
By: Hergie Ann De Guzman, CPA The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issued Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 21-2020 on September 4, 2020 to prescribe the guidelines on the implementation of the Voluntary Assessment and Payment Program (VAPP). What is VAPP? VAPP is one of the programs implemented by the BIR to provide funding for the needs of the Government during the current COVID-19 Pandemic. With the name itself, it is a scheme where taxpayers are encouraged to voluntarily pay taxes. The program is crafted to benefit both the taxpayers and the BIR. Taxpayers who will avail of the VAPP will be given the privilege of “no audit” for the year whereas the BIR will significantly reduce its administrative costs due to decrease in audit. BIR is expecting for a successful implementation and outcome of this program as it can significantly help our Government cope up with the negative economic effects
By: Hergie Anne C. De Guzman, CPA After the filing of the monthly Expanded Withholding Tax (EWT) returns for the first two month of the quarter, taxpayers should also prepare for the quarterly filing of the BIR Form 1601-EQ covering the entire quarter or 3 months. The return is also known as the Quarterly Remittance Return of Creditable Income Taxes Withheld which was introduced last 2018 through RMC No. 27-2018 dated December 18, 2019. It is a declaration of the quarterly withheld taxes from each income payment subject to EWT. What are the covered transactions? In order to know if a certain transaction is subject to EWT, we need to identify the nature of the expense. Common transactions subject to EWT with the applicable tax rates and Alphanumeric Tax Codes are as follows: Income Payment EWT Rate ATC Rent 5% WI100 – for individualWC100 – for non-individual Professional Fees 5%/10%/15%
By: Hergie Anne C. De Guzman, CPA The compliance for the filing of expanded withholding taxes does not end with the monthly and quarterly filings. At year end, an Annual Information Return of Creditable Income Taxes Withheld (Expanded)/Income Payments Exempt from Withholding Tax or the BIR Form 1604-E should be filed by the taxpayers. What are the covered transactions for BIR Form 1604-E? Basically, the return is a summary of the expanded withholding taxes for the year, the amount of remittance made, including penalties, if any, and the date of remittance. It is only an information return, hence, no tax due is computed for this. The information return covers the transactions relating to the expanded withholding taxes on certain income payments specified in Section 2.57.2 of Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 2-1998: Rental payments, professional fees, contractors, payments to regular suppliers, etc. reported in BIR Forms Nos. 0619-E and 1601-EQ; and,
The Bureau of Internal Revenue issued RR 4-2019 on April 5, 2019 allowing natural and juridical persons with internal revenue tax liabilities covering taxable year 2017 and prior years to avail Tax Amnesty on Delinquencies within one year from the effectivity date of the regulation. The deadline for availment however, has been further extended by RR 15-2020 to December 31, 2020 or may be extended further if the circumstances warrant an extension such as in case of country-wide economic or health reasons. Who can avail the Tax Amnesty? Delinquent Accounts as of the effectivity of RR 4-2019 including those with application for compromise settlement either on the basis of doubtful validity of assessment or financial incapacity of the taxpayer. This is regardless of whether those were denied by or still pending with the Regional or National Evaluation Board on or before the effectivity of the regulation. It also includes the
Prepared by: Hergie Anne C. De Guzman, CPA Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) released Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 79-2020 on August 6, 2020 setting guidelines for the filing of returns and payment of taxes during the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) re-implemented for the period covering August 4 to 18, 2020. BIR further issued another RMC, RMC No. 80-2020, amending the covered RDOs. Who are covered? All taxpayers under the jurisdiction of the following Revenue District Offices (RDOs): RDO Nos. 24 to 34 and, RDO Nos. 38 to 57 Guidelines Out-of-district payments of tax returns are allowed. Filing and payment of tax returns may be done in the Revenue Collection Officers (RCOs) of the nearest RDO, even in areas where there are Authorized Agent Banks (AABs). Note: In case of payment in RCOs, Cash payment of taxes shall not exceed PhP20,000.00 Check payment of taxes shall have no limit.
By: Hergie Ann De Guzman The issuance of Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 19-2020 last month created clamor among taxpayers on how they will comply with the BIR Form 1709 or the Related Party Transaction (RPT) Form. To answer the questions of the taxpayers, BIR issued this RMC. Listed below are the highlight discussions in the RMC: Who will need to submit BIR Form 1709? All PH taxpayers, either individual or non-individual (including non-stock non-profit organizations for the activities conducted for profit) with related party transactions (RPTs) shall complete and submit BIR Form 1709. Effectivity of the reporting requirement Basically, BIR Form 1709 is a new attachment in the Annual Income Tax Returns of those with RPTs. The first set of taxpayers to comply with the new reporting are those taxpayers with fiscal year ended March 31, 2020. With this, the deadline for the submission of the RPT Form, together with
By: Garry S. Pagaspas, CPA Philippine manpower is one great economic contributor and no wonder business process outsourcing (BPO) industry is performing well. Notably, a business process outsourcing in the Philippines can be owned 100% by foreign investors provided they export at least 60% of its output to clients/ customers outside Philippines or should they intend to register with Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) for non-fiscal and fiscal incentives such as income tax holiday (ITH) and/or 5% gross income taxation, they would need to export at least 70% of its output. This allowed foreign ownership explains why business process outsourcing entities in the Philippines could be registered with he Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Revised Corporation Code (RCC) in a number of legal entities fully owned or controlled by foreign investors, e.g. one-person corporation with foreign investor as single stockholder, Philippine subsidiary, Philippine branch, and regional operating headquarters
By: Deeryl Jade L. Bantilan As the Philippines continues to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations and companies may not manage to survive and be forced to cease business operations due severe economic implications of COVID-19. While the government is launching programs and subsidies for these companies and businesses, the magnitude of the impact may have really hard times for them to recover. Accordingly, in this article, let me share insights on some ways to keep employees and business operations amid COVID-19 in Philippines through some labor cost saving devices under existing labor laws, rules, and regulations being implemented by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and other related agencies. Manpower Reduction The Labor Code of the Philippines recognizes employment dismissal, upon compliance with the substantive and procedural requirements, for authorized causes such as temporary retrenchment or lay-off, redundancy, or closure and cessation of business in order for
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