Title XV – Final Provisions

SECTION 313.  Separability Clause. – If any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this Code shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgement shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of said Code, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph or part thereof directly involved in the controversy. (Re-sectioned by RA 11534)

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Title XIV – Repealing Clause

SECTION 312.  In General. – All laws, decrees, executive orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof which are contrary to or inconsistent with this Code are hereby repealed, amended or modified according. (Re-sectioned by RA 11534)

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Title XIII, Chapter VI – Transitory and Miscellaneous Provisions

Sec. 309. Prohibition on Registered Activities. – A qualified registered project or activity under an Investment Promotion Agency administering an economic zone or freeport shall be exclusively conducted or operated within the geographical boundaries of the zone or freeport being administered by the Investment Promotion Agency in which the project or activity is registered: Provided, That a registered business enterprise may conduct or operate more than one qualified registered project or activity within the same zone or freeport under the same Investment Promotion Agency: Provided, further, That any project or activity conducted or performed outside the geographical boundaries of the zone or freeport shall not be entitled to the incentives provided in this Act, unless such project or activity is conducted or operated under another Investment Promotion Agency. Sec. 310. Establishment of One-stop Action Center. – All Investment Promotion Agencies shall establish a one-stop shop or one-stop action center that

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Title XIII, Chapter V – Tax Incentives Management and Transparency

Sec. 305. Filing of Tax Returns and Submission of Tax Incentives Reports. – All registered business enterprises and other registered entities whether taxable or exempt, are required to file their tax returns and pay their tax liabilities, on or before the deadline as provided under the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended, using the electronic system for filing and payment of taxes with the Bureau of Internal Revenue: Provided, That for purposes of complying with their tax obligations, cooperatives and other registered entities which do not have access to the electronic facilities shall file with their respective revenue district offices. For registered business enterprises and other registered enterprises availing of tax incentives administered by the investment promotion agencies and other government agencies administering tax incentives, they shall file with their respective Investment Promotion Agencies or other government agencies administering tax incentives a complete annual tax incentives report of

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Title XIII, Chapter IV – Qualified Project Activities for Tax Incentives

Sec. 300. Strategic Investment Priority Plan –  The Board of investments, in coordination with the Fiscal Incentives Review Board, Investment Promotion Agencies, other government agencies, other government agencies administering tax incentive, and the private sector, shall formulate the Strategic Investment Priority Plan to be submitted to the President for approval, which may contain recommendations for types of non-fiscal support needed to create high-skilled jobs to grow a local pool of enterprises, particularly Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), that can supply to domestic and global value chains, to increase the sophistication of products and services that are produced and/ or sourced domestically, to expand domestic supply and reduce dependence on imports, and to attract significant foreign capital or investment. The Strategic Investment Priority Plan shall be valid for a period of three (3) years, subject to review and amendment every three (3) years thereafter unless there would be a supervening

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Title XIII, Chapter III – The Fiscal Incentives Review Board

Sec. 297. Expanded functions of the fiscal incentives review board. – The functions and powers of the Fiscal Incentives Review Board created under Presidential Decree No. 776, as amended, shall be expanded as follows: (A) To exercise policy making and oversight functions on the administration and grant of tax incentives by the investment promotion agencies and other government agencies administering tax incentives. In particular the Fiscal Incentives Review Board shall: (1) Determine the target performance metrics as conditions to avail of tax incentives; (2) Review and audit the compliance of other government agencies administering tax incentives, with respect to the administration and grant of tax incentives and impose sanctions such as, but not limited to, withdrawal, suspension, or cancellation of their power to grant tax incentives: (3) Determine the minimum contiguous land area that vertical economic zones should comply with; (4) Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of investments and non-investment

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Title XIII, Chapter II – Tax and Duty Incentives

Sec. 294. Incentives. – Subject to the conditions and period of availment in Sections 295 and 296, respectively, the following types of tax incentives may be granted to registered projects or activities: (A) Income Tax Holiday (ITH); (B) Special Corporate Income Tax (SCIT) rate – for export enterprise, domestic market enterprise with a minimum investment capital of five hundred million pesos (P500,000,000.00), and domestic market enterprise under the strategic investment priority plan engaged in activities that are classified as “critical,” a tax rate equivalent to five percent (5%) effective July 1, 2020, based on the gross income earned, in lieu of all national and local taxes. (Vetoed by the President) The domestic market enterprise under the Strategic Investment Priority Plan engaged in activities that are classified as “critical” shall refer to those enterprises belonging to industries identified by the national economic and development authority to be crucial to national development.

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Title XIII, Chapter I – General Provisions on Tax Incentives

Title XIII – Tax Incentives Chapter I – General Provisions on tax Incentives Sec. 291. Scope and Coverage. – This Title shall cover all existing Investment Promotion Agencies as defined in this Code or related law unless otherwise specifically exempted from the coverage of this Code. The Investment Promotion Agencies shall maintain their functions and powers as provided under the special laws governing them except to the extend modified by the provisions of this Code: Notwithstanding the provision of this Section, the Department of Finance, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, and the Bureau of Customs shall retain their respective mandates, powers and functions as provided for under this Act and related laws. Sec. 292. Extent of Authority to Grant Tax Incentives. – The Fiscal Incentives Review Board, or the Investment Promotion Agencies, under a delegated authority from the Fiscal Incentives Review Board, shall grant the appropriate tax incentives provided in

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Title XII – Oversight Committee

SECTION 290.  Congressional Oversight Committee. – A Congressional Oversight Committee, hereinafter referred to as the committee, is hereby constituted in accordance with the provisions of this Code. The Committee shall be composed of the Chairpersons of the Committee on Ways and Means of the Senate and House of Representatives and four (4) additional members from each house, to be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and four (4) additional members from each house, to be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Senate President, respectively. The Committee shall, among others, in aid of legislation: (1)        Monitor and ensure the proper implementation of Republic Act No. 8240; (2)        Determine that the power of the Commissioner to compromise and abate is reasonably exercised; (3)        Review the collection performance of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (4)        Review the implementation of the programs of the Bureau of

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Title XI, Chapter II – Special Disposition of Certain National Internal Revenue Taxes

SECTION 286.  Disposition of Proceeds of Insurance Premium Tax. – Twenty-five percent (25%) of the premium tax collected under Section 123 of this Code shall accrue to the insurance Fund as contemplated in Section 418 0f Presidential Decree No. 612 which shall be used for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Insurance Commission. The Commissioner shall turn over and deliver the said insurance Fund to the insurance Commissioner as soon as the collection is made. SECTION 287.  Shares of Local Government Units in the Proceeds from the Development and Utilization of the National Wealth. – Local government units shall have an equitable share in the proceeds derived from the utilization and development of the national wealth, within their respective areas, including sharing the same with the inhabitants by way of direct benefits. (A)       Amount of Share of Local Government Units. – Local government units shall, in addition to

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