How to pay HDMF unpaid premiums from previous months or years?

Contribution payments that are past due not only incur penalties but may also affect members’ benefits claims in the future. Employers must always make sure that the remittance of members’ contributions is timely and intact. However, there may be situations where payments are not remitted because of other unforeseen circumstances. To help employers address this kind of issue, we will discuss in this article the processes for the late remittance of HDMF contributions. 

The first step is to fill out the latest Membership Savings Remittance Form (MSRF, HQP-TMF-381) and consolidate in one (1) MSRF all unpaid premiums of all employees, whether in months or in years. 

Below is a sample, filled-out MSRF. 

Below will be your guide to completing the Membership Savings Remittance Form (MSRF): 

  1. Employer ID Number refers to the unique 12-digit number series assigned to a registered employer. It starts with the number ’2’. Ensure to remove the hyphen and spaces between the numbers. 
  1. Employer/Business Name refers to the name of the employer. 
  1. Employer/business address refers to the business address of the employer. 
  1. Contact Number refers to the employer’s contact number. 
  1. Email Address refers to the employer’s email address. 
  1. Pag-IBIG MID Number refers to the unique 12-digit number series assigned to a registered member. It starts with the number ’1’.  
  1. MP2 Account Number refers to the unique 12-digit number series assigned to registered members with Modified Pag-IBIG II (MP2) Savings. It starts with the number ‘5’. 
  1. Membership program refers to the type of Pag-IBIG program that the payment remittance is intended for. 
  • For membership savings, indicate ‘F1’.  
  • For MP2 savings, indicate ‘M2’.  
  1. Last name refers to the family name or surname of the member. 
  1. First Name refers to the given name of the member. 
  1. Name extensions refer to Jr., II, III, and the like. Do not put ‘period’ at the end of the name extension. 
  1. Middle name refers to a member’s mother’s maiden last name. For married women, it refers to their father’s last name. Indicate the complete middle name of the member. Do not indicate the nickname, second name, or middle initial in this column. 
  1. Replace ‘Ñ’ with ‘N’. 
  1. PerCov refers to the period covered. It starts with a year and a month. 


Indicate ‘202301’ for MS remittances covering January 2022. 

Indicate ‘202302’ for MS remittances covering February 2022. 

  1. EE Share refers to the savings or contributions of the employee.  
  1. ER Share refers to the counterpart savings or contributions of the employer.  
  1. Remarks refer to the employment status of the employees within the company.  
  • For the deceased, indicate ‘D’ 
  • For leave without pay or AWOL, indicate ’L’ 
  • For newly hired, indicate ‘N’ 
  • For retired, indicate ‘RT’ 
  1. Below the table, add one space or row prior to the total remittance. 

Second, request the computation of penalties. Bring the Membership Savings Remittance Form to the nearest branch or send the form via email to the designated branch. Kindly state your preferred date of payment for their reference in computing the penalties. 

Then, once you have the estimated penalty computation, submit the MSRF in Excel format to the nearest branch or concerned branch on or before your preferred payment date stated in the second step. Save the softcopy on a Universal Flash Bus (USB) or flash drive. Portable Document Format (PDF) or Word format shall not be accepted. 

Finally, pay the premiums stated in the MSRF together with the penalties computed in the second step. Secure proof of payment. 

Employers may also apply for the penalty condonation offered by the Pag-IBIG agency. However, this is still subject to HDMF assessment as to whether the requesting company will be granted penalty condonation. The procedure for applying for a penalty condonation will be covered in more detail in the following article. Stay tuned!

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